About Alunani Medicines

About Alunani Medicines

For people around the globe, Alunani Medicines is committed to give them a healing touch. It connects them with everything they need to take good care of themselves and their family – assessing health issues, finding the right doctor, booking diagnostic tests, obtaining medicines, storing health records or learning new ways to live healthier through the power of Unani Medicines.

Alunani Medicines is the one stop solution for all your problems.
Healthcare providers can also harness the power of Alunani Medicines as the definitive platform that helps them build their presence, grow establishments and engage patients more deeply than ever.

Some of our services current are :

  • –  Connecting doctors and Unani practitioners around the globe by our online discussion .
  • –  Assessing Health Issues.
  • –  Connecting you to a large pool of Doctors and Medicines Provider in your city
  • –  Finding the right doctor and Booking appointment to your doctor
  • –  Booking Diagnostic Test
  • –  Obtaining Medicines
  • –  Storing Health Records
  • –  Customized Health Care Analytics per patient by using latest in data science.
  • –  For Healthcare Provider we help them build their presence and grow establishments. Using these tools and innovative thinking, our team is committed to give you the next level experience where Care is customized and reflects patient needs, values and choices helping them to not only treat but also helps them drive towards healthy life.

1 comment so far

Sameer Abadai Posted on 8:25 am - Aug 21, 2023

Hi, I have been following unani medicines for long time its a great company to work with Sameer Abadai.

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